Sunday, January 30, 2011

Caravan Man

So I have been in my new job now for over a week and a half, and it started off great!  My job is basically to drive my truck around farms following guidance from my GPS to spread chemical fertilizer evenly.  Its good fun, I am a lot more engaged in my work than when I was driving harvesters as my truck has 12 gears which I need to flick between a lot, and I have to concentrate quite hard in the direction I am going.  The job is also a lot more fast paced than harvesting, where in my header I was doing a max of 15kph, I am now racing around paddocks at speeds over 40kph.  Robbie, my new boss, is quite a decent bloke and his number one rule is to work as hard and as fast as possible, so speed is good, until something breaks.  I started on Thursday (20th) and worked through to Monday, but near the end of Monday I went over a large mound which was hidden which made me and my fully laden truck (18+ tonnes) bounce pretty dam hard, nearly taking off, which when I landed broke one of the leaf springs in my truck.  So I have spent the rest of the week waiting for it to be fixed, not fun.  Robbie has since realised he needs to spend a bit more than 1 hour teaching me how to drive the truck and how to gauge terrain.

This week has been very very boring.  I came to Esperance with only $100, and all that money has gone towards food.  Unfortunately for me the only two things to do in this town which is going to the pub or the cinema, I havn't been able to do.  Although they do have a Blockbuster, and I managed to rent 10 dvds for $10.  Dvds, cleaning cars n trucks, sitting on the beach and swimming, sleeping and re-reading magazines is what I have been doing for the past 6 days.  Thankfully I get paid on Tuesday, for the 4ish days of work I have done.

My lastest video blog, I show you around my caravan and a couple pics of the beaches.

So I am all settled in now and i'm going to be here for the next few months until the start of May.  Esperance is similar to Guernsey in a couple of good ways, one of my favourites is that everything felt familiar when I came back here, I know where everything is and how to get there.  Also being near the coast all the time is quite nice too.

Australia day was fun, the town had a fete with stalls and a classic car show, felt very very Guernsey, except with all the aussie flags.  Was fun to walk around and check out all the things they had on, not a lot, but was worth checking out.  The traditional thing to do on Aussie day is to get really drunk, but with not having any money, the best I could do was buy a $4 bottle of wine and enjoy a steak dinner back in my caravan, how depressing lol.

Anyway, I am starting truck lessons and start work again on Monday (yay!), so my next blog wont be for a week or two.

PS, I hope your enjoying the cold, the other day it reached 42*C, so I spent the day on the beach and went for a swim :D IN JANUARY!!

Ladies choir, singing some Aussie stuffs

An old bore pump

Doesnt this just remind you of Sausmarez Manor, but look how happy the driver is!!

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