Sunday, May 8, 2011


What rocks so much about today, is another day off work, woohoo!!!!!  Also, I am now 24, which isn't really a huge milestone, but one non the less.  Really nice to see messages from people on my Facebook, and I even got cards and a parcel from back home, which was great.  In all honesty, spent the entire day in just playing computer games, watching movies and nursing a hangover.  Went out last night with the people I work with for a meal, which was real nice of them, went to a place in Mount Gambier called Bull Frogs where I ate a crocodile starter and a kangaroo main.  Crocodile is actually really really nice, but kanagroo not so much, too dark and rich I find.  Just wanted to try something different to a big steak meal.

I'd like you all to meet Ruby:

One of the farm dogs here, who has taken a real liking for me, so I'm trying to teach her how to help move mobs of cattle.  So far, she has managed to learn bark and left, were still working on right.  She runs dam fast though, she'll run beside me at about 35+kph, but if I'm in a rush, she'll just ride on the back of my bike, good doggy!

Doing a lot more cattle work now, which is great.  The other guys prefer working in tractors all day long, rather than be in the yards trudging through mud and cow poo trying to work on really big dumb cattle, but I really enjoy it, so bored of sitting behind the wheel all day. 

I didn't expect to be needing to wear a jacket and thick clothing in Australia, dam it is cold, brrrrrr...........

All in all, its going well here soon.  Going to Cairns on the 25th of June for 3-4 weeks of fun, then back here until November, will be hot in Cairns, can't wait!

Hope you all have a real good Liberation Day xx

 Howard (aka Goggles)

 Taking Ruby for a run

The beach next to our farm, you can drive 100km either way along the coast.  On a low tide.

Me, Sarah, Louise, Jack and Hugo.  This was before Georgie came and Jack, Louise and Sarah left.

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