Saturday, August 27, 2011

Back to Cairns I go :D

Hooray, back to civilisation, and mobile signal!  Although my last job was so much fun, the station I was on didn't have any mobile signal, which made updating my blog and keeping in contact damn near impossible.  Needless to say, I headed straight back to Cairns after the job finished, time to do more scuba diving.  Leaving tomorrow, I am going back on the Oceanquest (same boat as last time) to do my Advanced course and maybe my Rescue Diver.  Also, I am working on the boat too.  Ok, so I don't actually get paid, but all I do is make beds and wash dishes. and I get to do 4-5 dives a day free.

My last job was exactly what I wanted to do over here, real cattle work.  Also, turns out I am getting pretty good at hunting pigs, but I won't be showing you any pictures or videos of that over the internet.  Well, except of those 2 cute little piglets, didn't have the heart to kill them.  Also, I have a mohawk, if you couldn't see in the photo, figured why not.

So for my main work here, I was processing over 3300 cattle.  Processing mean castrating, de horning, branding etc....  But, I made a video for you to see some of it, enjoy:


JUST A WARNING, Scenes in this video contain a lot of blood and also killing of a cow.  Its what I do out here.

Good news about Paul, my old boss I was suing, he made a settlement amount of $4000, so I took it.  Guernsey 1, stupid tight south australians 0!  Yes I am saving most of it, but going to spend some here in Cairns having a good time, as that is why I am here.  Looking for my next job, as it is coming in to the wheat harvest again, looking for work using a combine harvester, lots of fun.  I had an offer in WA, but not going all the way over there again, but I think I have a job near Brisbane starting in 4 weeks.  Leaves me with lots of time to get lots of dives behind me.

Anyway, I hope you liked the video, and will post updates of what I get up to here in Cairns when I can.


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